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For as long as I can remember I have always looked to nature for inspiration, which for me really means looking to our awesome creator.  I am amazed everyday by the perfectness of His artistry: from our grand sky with its ever changing flawless displays of color, to the refined spiral of an itty-bitty snail shell. Examples are limitless, and I love observing the details.
"Inspired" means more to me that just the creative impulse though.  It's also an identity. I like to think of all of us as being God's inspired works of art. If you read the scriptures, you’ll see why.

Genesis 1:27 "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago..."


Isn’t that cool?
We are God's masterpiece(work of art), made in His own image (inspired by God).
In the context of the Scriptures, the word “inspiration” simply means “God-breathed.”  
That is how I credit my work.
Nothing to me is truly original. He has already created it all. The blueprint is His. The best I can do is be inspired by Him.


Why "Inspired"?

The inspiration behind making art for children was born with my first daughter. After becoming a mom in 2011 it dawned on me... kids like "bright and bold" ...and I found myself back in a style that I enjoyed.  At the end of the day arts' first purpose should be for the artist: a means of self expression or fulfillment. This is the art that makes me happy, makes me smile and is fun to make. It is an added pleasure when others who view it can also experience the same kind of joy. 


© 2016 Ashley Klug Inspired. All rights reserved. 

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